Friday, March 30, 2012

News and Notes- 3/28 and 4/11

Hi everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the fantastic presentations from Chandra, Saskia, and Shanice.  If you would like to review the material from their presentations, please follow the links below to download.

A few notes:
1. We'll be meeting on Wednesday, April 11th at 6pm in GBB 213 (the computer lab)

2. The balance of your course fees are due Friday, April 14th.

3. As mentioned on Wednesday, private rooms in Brescia will be available for an additional fee- please let me know if you are interested.

4. A link to the VERY tentative syllabus- things WILL change!

5. A link to the handout passed out at the meeting on 3/14:

6. A link to the This American Life radio program "Continental Breakup"- a very interesting show about the European Debt Crisis  ((note that you can also download it as a podcast via itunes))

I purchased my plane ticket last night- just about 9 weeks to go!



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