Tuesday, June 5, 2012

International strategic plan outline

International Strategic Plans Outline   . Executive Summary b. One to two page overview of the main points from the report . Company analysis a. Defining the business i. Who are the customers? 1. Identify and segment target customers ii. What needs are being satisfied by the company’s goods or services? 1. Define the company’s core products/services iii. What are the company’s core competencies? 1. What resources does the company have? 2. What capabilities does the company possess? b. Mission statement: Indicate the company’s current mission statement c. Identifying the company’s competitive advantages i. What are the company’s competitive advantages built upon? 1. Superior quality 2. Superior efficiency 3. Superior customer service 4. Superior innovation d. Size of operations and locations where the company is currently operating e. Competitive strengths and weaknesses (i.e., SWOT analysis) f. Need for global expansion at this time . Industry analysis a. Analysis of industry in which the company competes i. Key competitors (domestic and global) and relevant information ii. Strength of competition iii. Globalization drivers for the industry b. Exhibits for industry analysis . Target country environmental analysis a. Demographic characteristics b. Target location(s) description c. Cultural characteristics d. Workforce characteristics e. Relevant trade and investment policies and laws f. Politics and laws that may affect entry g. Currency and financial market issues h. Exhibits for this section i. Table with comparison of US culture to target culture ii. Comparison of US demographics to target culture NOTE: The key in this section is not to just provide information but to analyze what it means for the company in terms of challenges or attractiveness in entering the chosen market.  For example, a well-educated workforce would be attractive for a high-tech oriented company. . Target market analysis a. Description of customers and their characteristics b. Estimation of market size c. Local competition analysis i. What is the structure of the local industry? Fragmented, consolidated? ii. Are there any large global players in the target market? iii. How will the local competition react to your entry? d. Estimated market share and sales expected . Strategic alternatives a. Alternatives for market entry and your recommendation (e.g., exporting, licensing, joint venture, etc). i. A table indicating the various options and advantages and disadvantages of each would be helpful here. b. Marketing alternatives (focus on the 4 Ps) c. Human resources alternatives i. Will you need expatriate manager?  Are the local nationals trained to do the work you’ll need them to do? d. Organizational structure, control mechanisms, etc. that would be useful i. How will you structure your organization?  For example, will you organize by product, region, or function? e. Appropriate strategy and strategic planning i. Multidomestic, global, international, transnational . Implementation of strategic plan a. Plans for executing the strategy (timeline, resource utilization, pace of execution) b. Management team and personnel i. Key management personnel required ii. Characteristics of personnel (qualifications) iii. Supporting professional advisors and services c. Critical risks and challenges associated with the plan (assumptions you have made, what could go wrong, etc). . Appendices  

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